XPO Logistics is a top logistics provider. XPO provides transportation solutions for some of the most demanding supply chains in the world. XPO has a variety of internal and consumer-facing applications.
My Role
Senior UX Designer
The Challenge
XPO partners such as Peleton needed to provide their customers with an easy way to manage product delivery. Heavy items require customers to be home during delivery. XPO needed consumer tracking to allow customers to monitor delivery windows with the option to modify if needed.

We conducted consumer interviews to figure out what consumers liked or didn't like from other package tracking applications. The expected delivery time window was the most important piece of information. Consumers hated the typical "Out for delivery" without any details or context. SMS notifications were another important feature to consumers.

Consumers responded very positively to the "ring" concept. The SMS feature is not shown in these screenshots but was included in the final implementation. Consumers appreciated the displayed delivery time window with color-coordinated status updates.